
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Health Benefits of Biotin

The Health Benefits of Biotin The Health Benefits of Biotin You probably know that B vitamins are very important for good health. You’ll have heard of vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 but have you heard about vitamin B7? Vitamin B7 is called biotin and it has a wide range of uses in the body. You can get biotin in small amounts from some foods and it’s also available in supplement form. You can buy a biotin supplement, or check the label of a B vitamin complex to ensure that biotin is included.

The Natural Way Fenton's Specialized Business Directory

The Natural Way Fenton's Specialized Business Directory We are announcing our new Natural Health Resource Center and Business Directory. Our customers are always asking for specialized help. We would like for our professional friends in our line of work to sign up (Free-For-Now). It's just getting started. We put a couple of our friends in already.